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Prioritizing Your Mental Health This Holiday Season

Let’s face it, the holidays look much different this year.  You may be missing your loved ones or feel overwhelmed at the thought of prioritizing your health during such a strange time. We get it and we’re here to help you take care of yourself during this holiday season.
It’s important to know that you’re not alone. As we experience less sunlight during the winter months, feelings of isolation and sadness can take a toll on one’s mental health. If you’re feeling the holiday blues, we have ways that you can prioritize your well-being.

Try to acknowledge and accept your feelings. 

One of the most impactful things we can do for ourselves while navigating the holiday blues is to simply check in with ourselves, without judgement, and acknowledge how we are feeling at any given moment.
Studies show that simply labeling and connecting with your feelings can decrease anxiety and depression. Activities such as journaling, meditation, or talking to a therapist can help you to process how you’re feeling inside.

Stay connected to those who make you feel supported.

While you likely won’t be spending in-person time with friends and family outside of your household, there are still ways to make meaningful connections. Whether it’s a masked walk, video check-in, phone call, email, or text, find ways to reach out to others during what can be an incredibly lonely time. Human connections made during the holidays are the most important gifts of all.

Tend to your mind, body, and soul. 

The holidays are a perfect time to do exactly what feels right for you. Whether your idea of pampering is taking a long leisurely bath, doing an online yoga class, or rediscovering a creative outlet, this is an ideal time to treat yourself.

Move more.

Take a walk, a workout class online, or do whatever gets you moving. Find a type of exercise that feels best for your body to stay active throughout the season.

Eat nutritious foods.

While this is a time of indulgence, it can also be a wonderful opportunity to discover healthy alternatives and experiment with festive recipes. Ask others in your household to support you in seeking out new, deliciously nutritious foods.

Get support with Level2.

As an innovative diabetes care company, Level2 utilizes wearable technology and the latest science to help you on the path to remission. With real-time insight into your glucose levels, you can eat more of the foods that work well for your body and less of those that don’t.

Do what brings you joy.

Whether it’s decorating your home, singing in the shower, reading a page-turner, or taking in nature, make time and space to do things that help you to unwind and reset.

Say no if you need to.

The holidays can often feel like a time of unrelenting obligations. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or are just not interested in participating in an activity, give yourself permission to politely decline. Put your needs first so you can be there for others when it is important.
If you find yourself struggling to get into the holiday spirit this year, know that it’s ok.  By refocusing on self-care, you may find sparks of hope and joy.